Privacy Policy For Gather AI

Privacy Policy

Welcome to our Privacy Policy. This policy outlines how Gather AI ("we" or "us") collects, processes, and safeguards your personal information in connection with our services, websites, and content ("Services"). Your privacy is a fundamental concern for us, and we are dedicated to maintaining the confidentiality and security of your data. This policy explains the details of what information we collect, how we use it, and how we protect it.

Information Collection & Utilization

To offer you an exceptional experience on Gather AI, we gather data from your interactions with our Services. Certain information is essential for facilitating stand-ups over platforms like Slack, including:

  • Team and user information for coordinating time zones
  • Slack channel names used in stand-ups
  • Stand-up configurations, such as custom questions and schedules
  • Responses to stand-up queries
  • Direct messages sent to the bot

This data enables us to deliver stand-up reports effectively to the intended recipients.

We never collect or access:

  • Messages sent in channels without bot mention
  • Private user-to-user messages
  • Workspace administrative actions or data
  • Private documents shared on Slack

We adhere to the principle of least privilege, ensuring our Services access only essential information.

Moreover, we collect data based on your interactions with our website, including pages visited, product feature interactions, and product-related data. This might encompass IP addresses, device specifics, and referral information. We use this data to:

  • Enhance, test, and promote Gather AI
  • Protect against abuse and unauthorized activities
  • Generate aggregated, anonymized insights
  • Gain a better understanding of our user base

Information Disclosure

We never share your data for third-party advertising purposes or sell your information. In specific instances, we may share your account information with third parties, such as data protection-compliant service providers, or for academic research with anonymization. We may also disclose information as required by law or legal processes.

Data Storage

Gather AI employs third-party vendors like Amazon for necessary technological resources. Operational and transaction logs are maintained for understanding service functionality and user interactions. Our security measures include:

  • Data encryption at rest and in transit
  • Access control limiting personnel access
  • Compliance with industry standards and regulations

By using our Services, you consent to the secure transfer, storage, and processing of your data in the United States and other secure countries.

Tracking & Cookies

We do not use browser cookies for our Services, and we refrain from tracking users across the Internet. Our tracking is restricted to interactions within our network. Some third-party integrations may utilize their own cookies.

Modifying or Deleting Your Personal Information

Account holders can access, modify, or delete their data. Deleted data may be retained briefly for security purposes. We retain information as required by law.

Data Retention

We keep your data for as long as it's necessary to provide our services and keep the user experience functional. When the data is no longer required for these purposes, our team will promptly and securely delete it.

Data Deletion Request

To initiate a data deletion request, we have provided the following options:

Email Request:

  1. Send an email to with the subject line "Data Deletion Request."
  2. In the body of the email, include your full name and registered email address associated with your Gather AI account.
  3. Our team will respond to your email to verify your identity and request.

Contact Form Request:

Alternatively, you can visit our main website at and use the provided contact form to raise a data deletion request. Please provide your first name, last name, registered email address associated with your Gather AI account, and a brief message indicating your data deletion request.

Upon receiving your request, our team will promptly review your request, verifying your identity before proceeding with the data deletion process. Please note that this process may take up to 7 business days to complete, during which we will ensure the removal of your data from our production systems and backups. We are committed to adhering to these retention timelines to protect your privacy and ensure responsible data management practices.

Once your data deletion request is processed and your data is removed from our production systems and backups, we will send you an acknowledgment email to the registered email address associated with your Gather AI account. This acknowledgment serves as confirmation that your data has been successfully deleted. Please note that data deletion is irreversible, and once the process is completed, the deleted data cannot be recovered.

For any further questions or assistance regarding data deletion or withdrawal of data deletion, feel free to reach out to us through the same email address.

Data Security

While we use encryption (HTTPS/TLS) to secure data transmission, no Internet transmission is entirely secure. You use our Service at your discretion and are responsible for account security. In case of TLS certificate warnings, avoid using the Service at that time.

Communication from Gather AI

We send necessary account-related and service-related messages. Non-essential messages can be opted out of by following the "Unsubscribe" link in emails.

Changes to this Policy

This policy will be updated periodically, with the latest version available on our website. Significant changes may trigger email notifications. If you have inquiries, please reach out to us at