
Providing guidance for users on installing and utilizing Gather AI

Kindly follow the instructions below for an easy and quick setup of the standup bot.

Installation and creating standup & edit functionality:

Step 1:
Click on the "Add to Slack" button to integrate the standup bot with your Slack organization. HomePage

Step 2:
Slack will request permission to install the app into your organization. Please review the permission list and press "Allow." Authorisation

Step 3:
Once permission is granted, Gather AI will be added to Slack. You'll be directed to the dashboard where you can view all created standups and active standup details.

Step 4:
To create a new standup, click the "Create Standup" button on the left-hand side of the menu or you can also click on the “create standup” in the center of dashboard, if you have empty dashboard. This will take you to the standup creation page which have a default data for time and add questions. Dashboard AddPage

Step 5:
Enter the following details:

  • Standup name
  • The current timezone (e.g., Pacific Standard Time, GMT+3, etc.):
  • Time for the bot to ping members for standup
  • Time to post collected standups
  • Days for standup collection
  • Channel name (the bot fetches channel members)
  • Select members from the channel
  • Default questions are provided, but modify them as needed
  • Click "Save" to save the standup
  • You'll be redirected to the standup page displaying the newly created standup.


To easily edit the standup bot, follow these steps:

  • Click on the edit/pencil icon to edit the standup
  • Admins can edit all standup details except the channel
  • After making changes, click "Save" to retain edits.

EditPageDashboard EditPageWithChanges EditPageModal

To delete a standup, follow these steps:

  • Click on the delete/trash icon
  • A confirmation pop-up will appear to prevent accidental deletion
  • After confirming, the standup will be permanently deleted and cannot be restored.

DeleteDashboard DeleteModal

Replying to the standup bot & Editing standup bot:

Instructions for responding to the standup bot:

  • At the designated standup collection time, the bot will ping specified members
  • Click "Post Standup" to open a pop-up for answering standup questions
  • Once members submit their responses, the bot will collect the data
  • Collected standups will be posted on the channel at the set time.
  • If there are any pending members, it will notified in channel.

PostStandup PostStandupAddingAnswers PostStandupInChannel PostStandup EditStandupModal

Not working functionality:

Instructions for marking leave:

  • Go to the App section and select GatherAI
  • Click "Not Working Today" to notify the team of your absence; the bot will post this on the channel.


Instructions for Revert:

  • By mistake if user clicks on “ Not Working” response, they can undo it by clicking on revert.
  • Once user has clicked on revert, user will be asked to submit the response

MarkingLeave Revert